Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Anti Aging Products, Exercises, and Nutrition

Anti Aging

This site will be a complete resource on anti-aging with emphasis on nutrition and exercise to maintain a younger looking body and to keep the mind sharp.

There are many advances in science, medicine, and natural health knowledge today to help keep aging baby boomers fit, active, and looking good after 40.

Anti-Aging on Squidoo

Anti-Aging on Squidoo

Keep up on the latest information and technology available today for those who want to stay and feel younger well into their senior years.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Cris Mandelin - Home

Cris Mandelin - Home

My problem is that I like working too much. It would be a little bit scary if I were to just simply settle in on one project and see where it goes.

Many of the most successful business people today will state that my problem is common amongst entrepreneurs, and that the trick is how to figure out a system, or a checklist. Work one project at a time, and then go onto the next.

So that is what I'm going to have to do. There are two people I admire for being able to get things organized, and that is Mark Joyner and Jimmie D. Brown. Both have a system in place that works, and they are multi-taskers.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Unbiased Reviews Site

There are a lot of review sites on the web, especially for any products or programs that have to do with make money online, or, Internet Marketing. Most of these IM review sites are simply promotional tools for the website owner to talk about different products, and then put his/her affilate information into the link that leads to the main website. While many of these types of sites offer helpful information, they cannot be considered objective. Why? Because the reviewer stands to make a commission on any of the products listed. So they tend to flavor their criticisms with a little bit of honey, and will almost always over-glorify the attributes of the higher ticket items.

There is one site that has just been launched which, to the naked eye, appears as just another Internet Market products review site. But this one is truly different. It is not run by one person trying to glean as many cookied clickthroughs on the reviewed products as possible. This site does not do that at all. As a matter of fact, it has a pool of over 1000 people who are writing unbiased reviews on hundreds of products, forums, services, and programs. And there are no affiliate links attached to the reviews.

What is the name of this site? It is called RatingsHub.com, and it is a first of its' kind on the Internet. The reviews you will read there are truthful and based on each reviewers personal experience with the product. So what you will come out of there with is pure, no-nonsense information and no sales pressure, which includes not having to dodge one of those One-Time-Only offers that always seem to pop up after you've entrusted your email address to the marketer.

This is a truly exciting new aspect of the Internet Marketing community, and it will be interesting to watch how this site grows as more people come to trust it as the authority on unbiased reviews.